Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

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FAQ’s Topics

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Frequently Asked Questions

No. Geromind and Dr. Ginny Estupinian are not part of the Medicare panel.  Some cognitive assessments might be partially reimbursed.  You are encouraged to first check with Medicare to understand what is and what is not covered. 

The first appointment is always a consultation and evaluation session.  Dr. Estupinian will review and make evaluations and suggest a specific course of action.

That depends on the assessments necessary to answer the presenting concerns.  Dr. Estupinian will provide a timeline at the first meeting.

Dr. Estupinian will provide a date to review the results after the assessment is completed.  Usually, final reports will be available within 2 weeks of completing the assessment.

Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, or a physical check.

Yes, since 2010 there have been several empirically based studies showing the efficacy for these programs over time.

Customer Service Representative at Geromind


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