Geriatric Specific

Cognitive Assessments

Psychological Testing at GeroMind

Get The Answers You Need

Maintaining our cognitive health is just as crucial as our physical well-being as we age.


Cognitive assessments offer a valuable way to understand and manage our mental functions, especially when experiencing memory lapses or difficulty recalling recent events.


If you notice changes in your ability to perform daily tasks, such as managing finances, cooking, or navigating familiar places, a cognitive assessment can help identify the underlying causes.


Diagnosing conditions like mild cognitive impairment (MCI), Alzheimer’s disease, or other types of dementia early on can significantly improve your quality of life through timely intervention and management.


These assessments are also essential for ensuring that you can make informed decisions regarding your healthcare, finances, and legal matters and can help differentiate between cognitive impairment and symptoms of depression or anxiety, which are common in older adults.


Why Early Detection and Diagnosis is Important

  • Understanding what is going on can be a relief for the older adult and the family and can provide time to plan for future care.


  • It may allow preventive steps for brain health that could delay some symptoms. 


  • Individuals with a cognitive impairment due to a treatable condition (not due to Alzheimer’s) can receive appropriate treatments.


  • Upon diagnosis, those with the disease can discuss treatments to slow progression with their physician.


  • Research is demonstrating that the damage to the brain that results from Alzheimer’s disease may begin much earlier than previously thought—as much as a decade or more before symptoms appear. And it is likely that treatment will be most effective at the earlier, pre-symptomatic stage.

Unlock The Power of Understanding Your Cognitive Health With Our Simple 3-Step Process:

  1. Begin your journey by scheduling an initial evaluation with Dr. Estupinian. This personalized consultation is your first step towards cognitive clarity. 

        2 . During your evaluation, Dr. Estupinian will expertly determine the most appropriate assessment(s) for your unique needs. She’ll then schedule                    your tailored assessment, ensuring you’re on the path to comprehensive cognitive insights.


         3.  Simply attend your scheduled assessment session. Relax, knowing you’re in expert hands as you complete the evaluation.

Following your assessment, Dr. Estupinian will arrange a dedicated session to review your results, providing you with valuable insights and actionable recommendations for your cognitive well-being.
Take the first step towards cognitive empowerment today – call now to schedule your initial evaluation with Dr. Estupinian.

Physician-Referred Evaluations: Seamless Collaboration for Your Care

If your doctor has recommended a cognitive evaluation, we’ve got you covered. Our process is designed to work in harmony with your existing medical care:


  1. With your consent, our office will work directly with your physician, ensuring their concerns are fully addressed in your assessment plan.
  2. Dr. Estupinian will carefully select and conduct assessments that incorporate your doctor’s input, providing a comprehensive evaluation tailored to your specific needs.
  3. After your assessment, you’ll receive a thorough review of your results. We’ll also send a detailed report to your physician, keeping them informed of your cognitive health status.
  4. As part of our commitment to collaborative care, Dr. Estupinian remains available to your physician for any follow-up questions, ensuring continuity in your healthcare journey.
Experience the benefits of our integrated approach – where your cognitive assessment seamlessly complements your overall healthcare plan. Schedule your evaluation today and take a proactive step towards optimized cognitive health.


Most Common Assessments

Standard Assessments

Below is a partial list of the various assessments offered by our office.


However, please note that Dr. Ginny Estupinian will select and administer an assessment based on the client’s specific needs.  

Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST)

The WCST is considered a measure of executive function primarily to assess perseveration and abstract thinking because of its reported sensitivity to frontal lobe dysfunction.

Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)

MoCA (Montreal Cognitive Assessment or The MoCA Test) has been validated as a highly sensitive tool for early detection of mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in hundreds of peer-reviewed studies since 2000. It has been widely adopted in clinical settings and used in academic and non-academic research around the world. 

Trail Making Test (TMT):

 The purpose of the TMT is to test for the presence of brain injury. The TMT is a measure of attention, speed, and mental flexibility. It also tests spatial organization, visual pursuits, recall, and recognition.

Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS)

This is the most widely used scale of adult memory. It assesses various memory functions, including auditory memory, visual memory, and visual working memory. Immediate and delayed recall and recognition tasks are used to provide detailed information on an individual’s memory processes.

Boston Naming Test (BNT)

This tool measures confrontational word retrieval in individuals with aphasia or other language disturbance caused by stroke, Alzheimer’s disease, or other disorders

Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI)

 This Assessment provides a means of assessing neuropsychiatric symptoms and psychopathology of patients with Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative disorders.

The Stroop Color and Word Test (SCWT)

This assessment measures the ability to inhibit cognitive interference and other cognitive functions such as attention, processing speed, cognitive flexibility, and working memory. 

Digit Span (from the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale)

The digit span is a subtest of the WAIS.  It is used as a measure of auditory attention and working memory.

Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial

 Captures information about five domains of neuropsychological functioning: visuospatial recall memory, visuospatial recognition memory, response bias, processing speed, and visuospatial constructional ability

Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS)

This is an assessment that is ideal for measuring change over time. It can also serve as a neuropsychological screen battery when lengthier standardization assessments are either impractical or inappropriate

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale

This is the most advanced psychometric measure of adult cognitive ability,

GeroMind will only administer assessments that have strong empirical validity and reliability.

Answers and Explanations

Prompt Personalized Service and Support

Most Appointments can be scheduled within a few days from your call.
After an assessment is completed, Dr. Ginny Estupinian PhD will provide you with a written report and schedule a time to review the results. 
Then, with your permission, she will provide a copy of the report to your geriatric physician.

In-Home testing

Dr. Estupinian is available to make house calls to perform many of these assessments.  Please call our office for special pricing and details.

Family Session

Clients can always have their family present when Dr. Estupinian reviews the results, given that the client grants permission and wants them to participate.
Older adult scheduling cognitive assessment at GeroMind

Call Today for More Information and To Schedule an Appointment
